Perfect Presents For Mom
Every year we search our brains for a unique, exciting gift for Mom. We have bought flowers, candy, jewelry, pictures of our kids and us. But this year, we want something really different, something really special. We have prepared a list of suggestions that might just fit the bill. 1. Create a website for your mother to share with her friends and family. You can add pictures of her as she was growing up. Or turn the site into a tour with pictures of all of her vacations that you can find from friends and relatives. Take old family photographs and turn them into a family genealogy tree. Make a sweetheart page and add pictures of all of her grandchildren as her sweethearts. You can also write a page that just tells her how wonderful you think she is. List all the times that she was there for you or inspired you to do something. Can be a great bragging page to her friends or just make her feel better and loved every time she clicks in and reads it. 2. If your Mom isn't an Internet ...